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Woburn Ultra Low Profiling Bed


With unique features allowing the platform to be lowered 67mm off floor level, the Ultra-Low Bed provides user safety and reliability. The bed is built for use without the need of side rails. Should the user be inclined to roll whilst in bed, and potentially fall, the bed reduces impact and allows the user to safely roll onto the floor, or a fall mat. Safe Working Load: 185 kg (29 Stone) Overall Length: 2130mm Overall Width: 900mm Adjustable Platform Height: 67mm - 640mm Matress Dimensions: 2000 x 900mm Angle of Back Rest: 70 degrees Angle of Thigh Rest: 30 degrees Total Bed Weight: 81 kg Key Information: 9v Battery Backup Low Voltage Power Supply - 24v Solid Wooden Head and Foot Boards Lockable Handset 4 Section Profiling CE marked Supplied with a comprehensive manual
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